Thursday, June 30, 2011

Vizzini said to go back to the beginning. This is the beginning

SickWit is the name of my Dad and my "single panel cartoon" business (<--"comics" are multiple panels and tell a story). We're equal partners, Bob being the creator behind all the cartoons and I do, uh, everything else.

To give you some background, my Dad Bob Stewart, may be the weirdest human being on Earth.  I qualify that by saying in the spectrum of non-institutionalized human beings, he is the weirdest. He's also awesome and I couldn't do this if he wasn't a really awesome weirdo.

SickWit started from tape recordings made by my Dad. Weird Bob has walked around for as long as I can remember sporting a hand-held tape recorder. Check his pockets today and you'll find it. I can recall being a small child, him sitting in church and bending over in the pew hitting that red button, and saying something along the lines of "two birds walking out of a doctors office...." he'd finish it by painting a verbal picture of a single panel cartoon.  It didn't matter that there was a preacher preaching at the time, or other people seated all around him trying to listen to the said preacher... Big Bob has had his priorities.

Here were are some 20 years (he prefers I say 10), hundreds of micro-cassette tapes and 16,000 some odd cartoon prompts later... I, Gina, his youngest of five kids, likening myself to Atlas, have hoisted the burden of Big Bob's cassette tapes onto my back in an attempt to make us both wildly, or even just marginally successful.

I always knew I wanted my Dad's tape recorded cartoons. I am without a doubt "Daddy's Girl" (my apologies to my two sisters for laying claim to this title).  The bond I share with my Old Man is most simply explained because I inherited his weird-ass humor. We crack each other up. Or rather, I make fun of him and he makes fun of me and we go to-and-fro with insults forever. Growing up I always told my parents that for my "inheritance" all I wanted were the cassette tapes filled with cartoons. This is in lieu of the credit card debt I'm letting my siblings inherit. Yeah, Suckah'S!

In June 2010 I was sort of laid off from a job I liked relatively much- doing various things in the Marketing and Advertising world . As I sat scratching my ass and my head, wondering what I was going to do for work, Big Bob held the answer like he held that magic tape-recorder. He said, "Why don't you do something with my cartoons?" And just like that, I decided to take my inheritance early and SickWit was born.

Love Always,

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